

Endless Runner

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Artigicial Intelligence

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Hey, I am a graduate from the University of Gloucestershire and my chosen study was computer games programming! I focused my study around game play mechanics and design, working on what the player would see and interact with.

Growing up I would spend most if not all of my spare time playing video games like the Ratchet and Clank series, as well as more competitive games such as League of Legends and Ark: Survival Evolved. It has been a dream of mine to create games for people to get lost in.


  • Blender
  • Photoshop
  • Unity - C#
  • Github


  • Android
  • Desktop




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Endless Runner

One of my modules at University required me to make an addictive game mechanic. The character runs through the level as long as you can keep them alive. Obstacles such as red spikes and the platform height changes keep you on your toes.
There is some good news though, you can simply tap the jump button for a small burst or hold it down for a bigger boost. This is furthered by being able to do a second jump in mid-air, should you not like where you are going to land.
An additional feature worth mentioning is the ability to cling underneath platforms. Simply holding the jump button allows you to defy gravity whilst avoid the spikes that would destroy from above. While you can avoid spikes and remain safe, you do have the trade-off of not collecting any gold coins that would be above.

The environment stays the same throughout to give you stability but what changes as the game goes on is the players speed. As the player gets faster and faster the platforms come at you with increasing speed. Using a double jump could save you from certain death, or enable it with a miscalculation.

With the core concept down of the games difficulty scaling with how long you played the next feature to tick off was power ups.
Currently there are three collectables to help you on your journey:
Blue - destroys all spikes and stops them spawning for a while.
Green - doubles the amounts of points you score while active.
Turqoise - grants you both green and blue at the same time.

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Artificial Intelligence

This piece of work shows a single AI (the spy, green square) trying to navigate through an environment using an A* pathfinding algorithm. The purpose of the spy is to work their way towards the blue circle (the case of documents) and take it back to base. However, stopping the spy are a bunch of guards. The guards wander from point to point until they detect the spy, carrying the case or just working towards it.

Naturally the spy is faster than the guards but then the guards have the power of numbers. While the spy if faster, when carrying the case its speed is similar to that of the guards, which makes catching the spy significantly easier. The spy knows the guards would rather return the case than catch them, so in a last-ditch effort the spy will use a self-preservation technique and simply drop the case in order the move faster and flee for its life.

Should the spy be caught by the guards then the whole scene is reset. If the spy manages to return safely with the case, both the spy and case are reset and the spy has a moment to catch their breath back, before trying again.

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Solar System

This project is a creative visualisation of our solar system. It is an educational piece designed to bring some of the more complex aspects of worlds and portray them in a simple way.
The idea of a Solar System seemed appealing because it is where everyone lives. The project was made in Unity because of its ease of use. The software was reasonably familiar and it allowed the project to develop at a faster pace.
The design is quite simplistic with minimal colours other than what the planets bring. The purpose of this application was aimed for education, so having a simple layout made it more aesthetically pleasing to a wider audience
The project still had to look fun and appealing which is why all the planets and the sun are perfect spheres and the planets orbit in a similarly perfect circular shape.

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Split Decision

This project was completed at Brains Eden during a 48 hour long games jam. Given the theme of "give and take" (pun absolutely intended) we quickly decided upon the concept of two characters navigating their way through puzzles connected via a bungee-cord where they would both "give and take" slack of the rope to navigate obstacles and solve puzzles.

In our small team of University of Gloucestershire students. I was responsible for the tasks of both scripting the player movement and puzzles featured in the level. I also handled a lot of the team coordinating through git as most of our team did not have prior experience with git version control.

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Freedom Simulator

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Oi Frog!

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Tiny Tanks

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Particle System

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